

artnering Organisations

In order to bring Penjelajahan Orang Hutan to fruition, Curious Legends partnered with Indonesian based not-for-profit Yayasan Permakultur Kalimantan (YPK). Dedicated to preserving the earth for future generations, YPK invited Curious Legends to Indonesia in order to collaborate on this street theatre performance. Rich in traditional Indonesian culture and framed by contemporary Australian theatre practice, this performance aimed to bring light to sensitive environmental issues.

For more information on Yayasan Permakultur Kalimantan, see their

For more information on Curious Legends, go here:

In addition to YPK, the City of Palangka Raya came on board in support of this project. Throughout the project, they worked to promote our performance through local media, as well as providing us with the Tugu Soekarno site for our final performance in Palangka Raya.

For further information about the City of Palangka Raya, please see their

Penjelajahan Orang Hutan in its final form would also not have been possible without support from the Australian Government through the Australia-Indonesia Institute of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as well as the Catalyst Australian Arts and Culture Fund through the Ministry of the Arts.


Catalyst - Australian Arts and Culture Fund

Supporting Organisations:

Thanks to all the organisations that hosted or contributed to the project:

  • Sanggar Seni Dan Budaya Tunjung Nyaho Palanka Raya & Charlie R Nahan
  • Hornbill in Flight
  • Kommunitas Teater Palangka Raya
  • Kommunitas Mahasiswa Pencinta Alam (Students Who Love the Jungle)
  • Bina Cita Utama (Rungan Sari)
  • Sekolah Dasar (State Primary School) Sukamulya
  • Sekolah Dasar Negeri (State Primary School) Sei Gohong
  • Panti Asuhan Kristen Agape (Banturung Orphanage)
  • Sekolah Dasar (State Primary School) Habaring Hurung
  • Sekolah Dasar Negeri (State Primary School) Percobaan Palangka Raya)
  • Wow Borneo/ Kalimantan Tour Destinations & Gaye Thavison
  • OuTrop (Kereng)
  • Borneo Productions & William Shelmerdine
  • Karen & John Boyd Macdonald


Artistic Team

We had so many wonderful people involved in this project, it’s hard to know where to start! Below is a list of key creatives involved with this project:

Australian Artists:
Mitchell Reese, Shani Moffat, Matina Moutzouris and Frederika Paembonan

Yayasan Permakultur Kalimantan Artists:
Jayadi Abdul Paembonan, Noor Julaiha & Imron

Local Indonesian Artists:
Dedy Harsono, Yazid Kurniawan, Muhammad Syaifullah, Hamsiah (Acie), Asra’i Iqra Praha, Fatlas Adica Tyas, Safitri Dwi Wulahdari, Mohamad Alimulhuda, Joviam Caleb Oroh, Sugeng, Fedrik, Muhayar, Susva Amiyana, Abdul Hafiz Amrullah, Rizky Marselyno, Jeffri Adi, Sulistyo, Muhammad Maulana Razaqui, Enang Amir

Artist Bios

‘Jayadi’ Abdul Paembonan – Director
‘Jayadi’ is an Indonesian performer, actor, dancer and artistic director from the ethnic background of Toraja, Sulawesi. He has a background in contemporary and traditional theatre, having studied at the Traditional Art College of Bandung (STSI), in West Java, Indonesia. There he specialised in directing from 1997-2004. He has experience as an actor using both domestic Indonesian theatre and international theatre scripts, and has worked in both Indonesia and Australia. Some of his most notable productions are:

  • Actor in Desizaun (2013) a short film about a Timor Leste protestor during Indonesian occupation;
  • Director of Ritus Mask roving performances at Globe to Globe World Music Festival (2010 & 2011) for Multicultural Arts Victoria
  • Director and performer in Gangsadewa – Music and Dance from the heart of Indonesia, for Lestari Dance Theatre Group at The Arts Centre, Melbourne (2010)
  • Director and performer in Forbidden Love – A Traditional Indonesian Folk Legend, in the Indonesian village at Ceres Environmental Park (2008)
  • Dancer in Sawung Galing – Black Rooster, The Indonesia Legend Returns, with Sydney based Sidetrack Theatre and Wot Theatre Companies (2004)

As well as his many credits and accolades as a director and performer, Jayadi is also a founding member of Yayasan Permakultur Kalimantan, an organisation based in Central Kalimantan dedicated to preserving the earth for generations to come.

jayadi-dance1‘Jayadi’ Abdul Paembonan – Ritus Mask Performance


Frederika Paembonan – Creative Producer & Translator
A founding member of Yayasan Permakultur Kalimantan, Frederika has many years of experience working in the social welfare and not-for-profit sectors. Since moving to Kalimantan, Frederika has been engaged in supporting local Indonesian’s to learn the principles of permaculture and sustainability. For this project, Frederika liaised with us and the local Kalimantan community, particularly with regards to local government.


Matina Moutzouris – Lead Maker & Performer
Matina has been a professional theatrical designer for over twelve years. She has created work and performed both nationally and internationally for festivals and shows with Erth Visual & Physical Inc. and as a self employed artist.

Matina’s adventures throughout India, Bali and Kenya, instructing puppetry workshops, as well as curating exhibitions, producing documentaries and jewellery in her spare time, are indicative of her passion for the arts.

She has developed a fondness for large scale puppetry with her recent work appearing in festivals and shows such as Chinese New year, The Sydney Children’s Festival, VIVID, Little Shop of Horrors and Mardi Gras. Matina has also been a primary maker for Erth’s internationally renowned shows Dinosaur Zoo and Prehistoric Aquarium.

Matina has travelled to over 45 countries, often participating in various volunteer projects. Before Penjelajahan Orang Utan, her most recent venture was helping to reconstruct and paint a school for children devastated by the Nepal earthquake in 2015.

Matina was our primary maker for the Penjelajahan Orang Utan project.

Creation by Matina Moutzouris


Shani Moffat – Performer, Producer, and Puppeteer
Shani Moffat has been working professionally in the arts industry for almost ten years. She has been Artistic Director of Umbrella Theatre Company since 2010, devising and delivering original theatrical performances for festivals and local government agencies including Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, Waverley Council, City of Sydney & Marrickville Council.

She loves working with large scale puppetry, and has worked with Erth Visual and Physical appearing as a dinosaur at Sydney Opera House, a rabbit’s for the Chinese New Year Twighlight Parade, Gargoyle at Carriageworks Arts Centre, Rhinosaurus at the opening of Paddington Resovoir Gardens and dragon at the Powerhouse Museum. Shani has also produced a number of interactive art installations which have appeared at the Australian Museum, Fraser Studios and the Standard.

Shani also has a special passion for education and cultural exchange. She produced the literacy program The Rumble for youth from refugee and non English speaking backgrounds in 2013 & 2014. In 2014 she also travelled to Timor Leste to produce and deliver a series of workshops to young people in Dili. In 2014, she took on the position of Program Manager for MADE by Sydney Opera House, a multidisciplinary exchange for Danish and Australian students in the fields of Engineering, Architecture and Design.

Sydney Opera House (2011) - Shani Moffat Sydney Opera House (2011)
Image by Janie Barrett via Sydney Morning Herald


Mitchell Reese – Artistic Director, Producer, Musician, and Puppeteer
A Newcastle based performing artist, producer, and collaborative theatre maker, Mitchell Reese has many skills. A founding member of Curious Legends in 2005, Mitchell has worked on a wide range of projects. Highlights include The Play Project (2008), Drippledrop (2008),Puppy Patch (2014), and The SandDragon’s Tail (2009-2015). Mitchell produced the 2009, 2010, & 2011 Northcote Kids Festivals, as well as the 2012 Winter Kid’s Festival at The Substation in Newport. Currently the creative producer of Curious Legends, Mitchell regularly tours shows and workshops for children and adults throughout Australia. Mitchell also works with children on the autism spectrum, and together with occupational therapists from Crisalida Family Services has developed a range of theatre workshops for children with special needs.

In addition to his theatre expertise, Mitchell has a knack for blending performance with online web technologies. This includes designing responsive websites for both the The Winter Kid’s Festival & Northcote Kids Festivals, continual renewal on the Curious Legends website, and maintaining a host of online web applications.

As well as being a driving force behind Penjelajahan Orang Hutan, Mitchell is working on The Minma, a collaborative multi-artform theatre performance exploring what happens to bush spirits when the city encroaches.



