Sukamulya & Greetings
And we hit the ground running! Off to a good start with a morning of admin, followed by a visit to the permaculture live demonstration site in Sukamulya. We were greeted my many smiling friendly faces, and by the Yayasan Permakultur Kalimantan founder and director Jayardi. Here he is reunited with Mitchell – aren’t they adorable.

Our gorgeous, airy puppet construction studio is nearing completion, the last of the concrete is being laid and the studio should be ready for use at the beginning of next week.

We also did a stock-take of all the materials gathered thus far; an exciting collection of bamboo, saplings, rotan, paints, calico, wire, gypsum and other goodies which will be the foundation of our creations. Exciting!

We also had the chance for a quick little explore around the property to say hello to the chickens, make friends with the cat, and ogle the crops of jackfruit, pineapple, coconut, cassava and bananas.

We knocked off early to pick up the kids from school, and after a torrential downpour, played an exhausting barefoot game of tip in the gardens. *we were later advised not to walk barefoot, on account of the cobras and scorpions.